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I can assure you that I was never a work from outside person. If I'm out and about I will be looking for the next beach to hit, especially here in Cali!
I can't believe I ever left. I mean, yes, NYC was kind to me and I had so much fun working for the publishing department. But my heart is set here in San Diego. And now I am exploring more and more. Not just for the sake of pictures. #doitforthgram But also because I have many collaborations coming up and I need to find some new space to work that I can walk to 3-4 days a week.

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Found my new fave downtown spot to work in SD

Wafer pastry sweet roll tart. Pastry gummi bears croissant ice cream lemon drops lemon drops. Danish jujubes gummies biscuit chupa chups liquorice. Sesame snaps chupa chups jelly beans lollipop cupcake oat cake jelly.

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This is going to be the title and it may be long

Wafer pastry sweet roll tart. Pastry gummi bears croissant ice cream lemon drops lemon drops. Danish jujubes gummies biscuit chupa chups liquorice. Sesame snaps chupa chups jelly beans lollipop cupcake oat cake jelly.

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This is going to be the title and it may be long

Wafer pastry sweet roll tart. Pastry gummi bears croissant ice cream lemon drops lemon drops. Danish jujubes gummies biscuit chupa chups liquorice. Sesame snaps chupa chups jelly beans lollipop cupcake oat cake jelly.

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This is going to be the title and it may be long

Wafer pastry sweet roll tart. Pastry gummi bears croissant ice cream lemon drops lemon drops. Danish jujubes gummies biscuit chupa chups liquorice. Sesame snaps chupa chups jelly beans lollipop cupcake oat cake jelly.

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This is going to be the title and it may be long

Wafer pastry sweet roll tart. Pastry gummi bears croissant ice cream lemon drops lemon drops. Danish jujubes gummies biscuit chupa chups liquorice. Sesame snaps chupa chups jelly beans lollipop cupcake oat cake jelly.

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This is going to be the title and it may be long

I hear it all the time, it's hard to put your ideas to work in your space.

Pinterest has you hooked and now it's time to make it a reality, right? I got you.

get the haven maker guide